Charles S. McNulty Center for Children & Families
We are one of 40 community-based public providers of mental health, intellectual disability, and substance abuse services throughout Virginia. The Commonwealth has designated the 40 CSBs as the single point of entry into publicly funded behavioral health and developmental services. We provide these programs and supports directly and through partnerships with other providers.

Offering services to the residents of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, the HRCSB is governed by a 12- member board of directors appointed by the Harrisonburg City Council and the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors.

The HRCSB strives to provide excellent services and to partner with each individual to achieve his or her best recovery. Thank you for taking a minute to review the information available through this website. We welcome inquires and may be contacted by calling our office locations.

Charles S. McNulty Center for Children & Families
463 E Washington St
Harrisonburg VA 22802
Tel: 540 433-3100
Fax: 540 432-6989

Mission Statement

The Harrisonburg-Rockingham Community Services Board provides services that promote dignity, choice, recovery, and the highest possible level of participation in work, relationships, and all aspects of community life for individuals and families whose lives are affected by behavioral health or developmental disorders.
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