Norfolk Community Services Board - Substance Abuse Services

Norfolk Community Services Board
Substance Abuse Services
7460 Tidewater Dr
Norfolk VA 23505-3842
Tel: 757 664-6670

Substance abuse refers to alcohol abuse as well as misuse, dependence, and addiction to legal and illegal drugs.

Substance Abuse Services provides a variety of treatment options to individuals and their families through services that are focused on recovery from the effects of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Opioid Treatment Program

The Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) operates to reduce the physical, psychological and social problems associated with dependence on narcotics and other drugs of abuse.

An immediate goal of the Opioid Treatment Program is to assist patients to become free of addiction to legal and illicit opioid and other drugs and to stabilize on approved opioid medications. With this immediate goal accomplished, patients can immediately address other medical issues and work towards eliminating high-risk behaviors that may lead to the infection of HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, and other sexually transmitted diseases. The long-range treatment goal, for a person admitted to OTP, is for the patient to establish sustained recovery with or without the use of opioid treatment.

Intensive Outpatient

Intensive Outpatient is a variable-length program that contains three levels of intensity. The length of stay in each level is determined by each patient’s needs and progress.

All patients start at Level III, with three group meetings a week. At this level of intensity, the group process is paramount in addressing denial or resistance to recovery. Treatment plans are developed at each level. Once the initial treatment plan goals have been achieved, patients may be moved to Level II, with two meetings a week.

Level I meets once a week for a period of transition and aftercare, to ensure that relapse prevention is working and that challenges to recovery are addressed.

Intensive Outpatient services are provided by staff that are licensed and/or certified in addictions counseling. A minimum of six hours per week in structured group and individual sessions provides a high degree of attention to each person’s needs (e.g., detoxification, bio-psychosocial functioning, case management, etc.).

Traditional Outpatient

Traditional Substance Abuse Outpatient treatment is the least restrictive level of structured outpatient services. This program is provided by clinicians who are licensed and/or certified in the addictions field. Patients are usually seen once a week in individual appointments or group therapy sessions, tailored to meet each person’s clinical needs and schedule.

Criminal Justice Services

Two programs are provided at the Norfolk City Jail. “Bridges to Freedom” is for women and “Freedom Within” is for men. Both programs have the same admission, exclusion and release/discharge criteria.

Drug Court is a program developed with Norfolk Circuit Court and other criminal justice service agencies to divert non-violent individuals addicted to drugs to court-monitored treatment programs instead of jail. Treatment services utilize the intensive outpatient treatment protocol.

Counseling. Counseling staff are located at the City of Norfolk Probation & Parole site to provide individualized substance abuse treatment, education and screening to adult offenders who have problems alcohol and other drugs. Services include screening and referrals, group therapy, and relapse prevention education.

Detoxification, Residential and Housing Services

These services are provided to patients who need to withdraw from alcohol or drugs of abuse. Patients can be assessed for medical or social (non-hospital based) detoxification services. All detoxification services are provided through a contractual arrangement.

Residential services are provided for patients who need an intensive, supervised treatment environment to assist them to maintain an alcohol and drug-free lifestyle. Services can last from 28 to 90 days. Residential treatment services are also available for pregnant women or mothers with children. Special unsupervised housing supports are provided for up to 120 days for qualifying patients.

HIV Early Intervention and Prevention Program

The purpose of the HIV program is to inform and educate both Norfolk CSB patients and other residents of Norfolk about HIV disease, to teach how the virus is transmitted, and to teach methods of protection.

The program is designed to assist all patients identified as HIV positive to be assessed for case management and medical referrals. They are also educated about HIV and its modes of transmission so that they will be able to adequately protect their partners from transmission through sexual contact or sharing needles in the use of IV drugs. This program is a Ryan White Provider.
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