Family Counseling Center for Recovery
Adolescent Counselors, Alcohol & Drug Abuse Information & Treatment and Counseling Services - Richmond, VA
FCCR offers progressive treatment options for adults and adolescents struggling with addiction and the problems associated with addiction. We believe that chemical dependency is a treatable illness and that clients require respect and compassion during the treatment process.
Family Counseling Center for Recovery
4906 Radford Ave
Richmond VA 23230-3512
Tel: 804 354-1996
At Family Counseling Center for Recovery, we understand that the decision to seek counseling and treatment, either for you or a loved one, is not a decision that is made lightly. The Family Counseling Center has been providing outpatient chemical dependency treatment in the Richmond area for over 15 years. We specialize in providing treatment options for the whole family. Our website is designed to provide you with information about our services and to assist you in picking the right treatment option. Finding the right treatment for you and your family is the first step.
The following treatment programs are available at Family Counseling Center for Recovery:
* Adult Assessment and Intervention Programs
* Adult Intensive Outpatient Programs
* Adult Psychiatry services with MD's who specialize in addictions
* Adolescent Assessment and Intervention programs
* Adolescent Intensive Outpatient programs
* Adolescent Psychiatry services with MD's who specialize in adolescent substance abuse issues
* Outpatient Detoxification for Alcohol
* Outpatient Detoxification for Heroin
* Methadone and Suboxone Maintenance Programs
* Same day admission and medication at the Southlake office
* Prescription Drug Dependency and Abuse Programs
* Impaired Professionals programs
* Chronic Pain and Addiction Programs
* Auricular Acupuncture for Withdrawal
* Individual, Group and family Therapy
* Multi family Group Therapy
* Assessment and referrals for Inpatient Treatment
FCCR offers treatment services at two locations in the Richmond area. Outpatient treatment can require time and travel so it is important to find a location that is convienent to your home or work. The Family Counseling Centers are the only outpatient treatment centers in the Richmond area that are able to offer the full continuum of treatment options. We have full time Registered Nurses at each location, along with psychiatrists who specialize in addiction medicine on site each day. Our onsite pharmacies allow us to provide medication services in the same location as we provide counseling services.
Clients who have developed addiction to prescription pain medication or heroin may require a medical detoxification. The FCCR medical staff will work with you and your family to provide a range of treatment alternatives to assist with both detoxification and maintenance programs.
We are the only outpatient adolescent substance abuse program in the Richmond area that can offer onsite access to adolescent psychiatry services upon admission. Our staff will focus on determining an accurate diagnosis for your adolescent and then setting up an appropriate treatment plan.
Quality treatment starts with an accurate diagnosis. Our intake process will focus on finding the appropriate level of treatment. We offer six Intensive Outpatient Programs for adults. This availability allows us to individualize your treatment and find the right program for you and your family. Our Assessment and Intervention Program will work with clients and family members to assist in determining an accurate diagnosis and motivating the chemically dependent client to seek treatment. Our clinical staff specialize in both chemical dependency and mental health issues. We are able to provide treatment for clients who struggle with anxiety and depression as well as substance abuse.
Please contact our offices for an intake appointment or to request further information. At FCCR we strive to offer intake appointments on the same day you call or within 24 hours.
FCCR works with most insurance companies. Our front desk staff can provide you with information regarding your insurance coverage. FCCR has contracts within the Richmond area that will assist clients with coverage of some treatment costs for clients without insurance. Please call for further information.
