Phoenix House Counseling Center
New Substance Abuse Treatment Center | Outpatient Inpatient Prevention Services Programs | Family Adolescents
Substance abuse treatment centers. Outpatient and inpatient residential care and prevention services. Substance abuse treatment for anyone in the family including adolescents in the Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland area.
Phoenix House Counseling Center
200 N Glebe Rd #104
Arlington VA 22203-3728
Tel: 703 841-0703; 866 888-0821
Fax: 703 841-2316
Phoenix House Counseling Center emphasizes self-awareness of addiction, with each client learning how to assume personal responsibility for his or her recovery.
To meet the needs of the clients we serve, counseling is comprehensive and based on a disease model approach. There are several levels of individual, group and family counseling. Program length varies and is based on an individual's progress and clinical condition. Certified counselors employ a traditional 12-step model based on Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous and individual and group counseling.
Youth counseling is held daily after school. Adult counseling is held in the evening after work. Family involvement is encouraged through weekly "Concerned Persons" groups. If needed, individual family counseling is also provided to support recovery.
Know the signs of substance Abuse
Following are a few warning signs that may indicate unhealthy alcohol or drug use. Chemical dependency, like any other disease, requires early intervention and treatment. Left untreated, the disease of addiction can be fatal. If you notice signs in a student, friend, family member or coworker, call Phoenix Counseling Center for an extensive and confidential evaluation.
* Mood swings; sudden changes in personality with no known cause
* Loss of interest in hobbies, sports or other activities
* Sudden decline in performance or attendance at school or work
* Changes in friends and reluctance to talk about new friends
* Deterioration of personal grooming habits
* Forgetfulness or difficulty paying attention
* Changes in sleep patterns or appetite
* Slurred speech, bloodshot eyes
* Drug paraphernalia hidden in car room or office
* Sudden aggressive behavior, irritability, nervousness or giddiness
* Increased secretiveness or heightened sensitivity to inquiry
Phoenix House Fast Facts
* Founded in 1998
* Services for teens, young adults and adults
* Open year-round
* Located in Arlington, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
* Diagnostic substance abuse assessment
* DUI assessment
* DWI assessment
* Substance abuse assessment
* After school and evening programs
* Individualized treatment plans
* Family programs
* Random drug testing
* Relapse prevention and after care
* CARF-accredited
