Tucker Pavilion
Behavioral Health, Mental Illness, Tuckers, Mental Health, Tucker Psychiatric
Behavioral Health Services at Tucker Pavilion
Tucker Pavilion provides a full range of acute inpatient behavioral health services for seniors, adults, adolescents and children. It is conveniently located at Chippenham Hospital and offers a unique blend of mental and medical support services.
Tucker Pavilion
CJW Medical Center
7101 Jahnke Rd
Richmond VA 23225-4017
Tel: 804 323-8846
Our Programs
24-hour Assessment and Referral
Professional Behavioral Health Clinicians are available 24 hours daily to answer the Crisis Line. Additionally, these clinicians, who are located in the Chippenham Emergency Department, conduct face to face needs assessments, consult with a psychiatrist and make appropriate treatment recommendations.
Inpatient Services
Tucker Pavilion also offers inpatient programs for people of all ages. Patients are grouped with others of similar age and mental health needs.
Adult and Geriatric Behavioral Health Services
Tucker Pavilion offers acute inpatient treatment for persons over the age of 18 years with a primary behavioral or mental health issue. Individualized plans of care prioritize safety, crisis stabilization, promote patient empowerment, collaboration with outpatient treatment providers and encourage involvement of support systems. A multi-disciplinary treatment team provides services including but not limited to:
o Medication Management
o Supportive Medical Care
o Group Therapy
o Nursing Education Groups
o Psycho-education Groups
o Activities Therapy
o Pet Therapy
o Discharge Planning
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services
Tucker Pavilion provides inpatient stabilization for children, ages 5 – 11 years, and adolescents, ages 12 – 17, who are challenged with an acute behavioral health issue. There are separate and distinct programs for each age group. Individualized plans of care prioritize safety, crisis stabilization, collaboration with outpatient treatment providers, and emphasize patient and family education regarding behavioral health issues and symptom management. Tucker Pavilion psychiatrists and staff members consider family involvement a critical component for a youth’s optimal recovery. A multi-disciplinary treatment team provides services to include but not limited to:
o Medication Management
o Supportive Medical Care
o Milieu Management
o Behavior Modification
o Group Therapy
o Nursing Education Groups
o Psycho-education Groups
o Activities Therapy
o Pet Therapy
o Family Discharge Planning Sessions
A History of Quality Care
Known to many in Central Virginia as “Tucker,†since the turn of the century, the Tucker name has been synonymous with excellence in quality psychiatric care. We began as the Tucker Sanatorium in 1912 and have maintained our reputation for excellence in mental health ever since. We proudly continue a long standing tradition of innovative therapeutic services with a personalized approach to care.
Our Team
Tucker Pavilion's behavioral health team includes psychiatrists, nurses, therapists, mental health technicians, and therapeutic specialists. Together we develop individualized behavioral health programs personalized to the specific needs of each patient.
Accredited by the Joint Commission for Hospital Accreditation Organization
Licensed by the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
